Question: 1 / 175

What is the general classification of the Oxidative metabolic pathway?

Quick and explosive

Moderate to high power

Long-duration and low power

The oxidative metabolic pathway is primarily characterized by its ability to provide energy for long-duration activities at a relatively low power output. This pathway relies on the use of oxygen to convert carbohydrates, fats, and occasionally proteins into ATP, the energy currency of the body. It is the main source of ATP during extended, steady-state exercises, such as long-distance running or cycling, where stamina and endurance are more crucial than maximum power.

The oxidative system excels in sustaining activities that last from several minutes up to hours, making it vital for endurance sports. It's distinct from other pathways that cater to quick bursts of energy or high-intensity activities, which rely on anaerobic metabolism. Therefore, this understanding clearly supports why the classification of the oxidative metabolic pathway aligns with long-duration and low power activities.

Short bursts of energy


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